Fundraising Policy

Funds raised on University properties are to be used to expand the educational and recreational opportunities for campus organizations registered with student government (ASFPC), and are not generally used to subsidize an individual’s personal interests or needs.

  • Solicitations can be classified into three broad categories. When University facilities are used by student organizations for commercial activities or for personal gain, a fee will be charged.
  • Commercial activity is the sale of products, goods or services or the sponsorship of any program conducted primarily to generate profit.
  • Personal gain is defined as the sale of goods or services or the sponsorship of any fundraising activity by individuals or groups that is intended to improve the personal financial status of any person or group of persons involved in the sponsorship of the activity. Examples: telephone service, Amway, Avon, etc.

Fundraising is defined as the sale of products or services, the solicitation of money, the collection of dues or donations, the charge of admission, or any other means designed to raise funds for the benefit of the University itself or qualified student organizations (those officially recognized by USFPU).

Permission for all fundraising activities may be granted to registered student organizations officially recognized by USFPU and is subject to these regulations:

  • All fundraising activities must be approved by the Vice President of Student Development or designee at least five working days in advance.
  • Permission shall not be granted for products and services that conflict with institutional values of the University or with the values and theological tenets upon which it is founded. Examples: alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, etc.
  • Food sales must receive approval from the Vice President for Business Affairs.
  • Sale of products other than food must receive approval from the Bookstore Manager.
  • Pre-established fees for facility use, equipment rental, and other direct costs must be paid in advance.
  • The publicity for the activity must include the following information: name of sponsoring organization, name of the individual or organization benefiting
  • Intended uses of the funds collected: disclaimer of University sponsorship or endorsement.
  • Solicitation for corporate sponsorship for any University sanctioned event or activity by any student organization must be reviewed and approved by the Vice President for Advancement prior to contact with a potential sponsor. Examples: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sun Maid, etc.
  • The commercial promotion, distribution, sale, exposure or offer for sale of any goods, articles, wares, services or other merchandise-whether or not for profit must first be approved by the Vice President of Student Development or designee (for students and student organizations) or Vice President for Business Affairs (for all employees and outside groups) and are subject to the following regulations:
  • Permission shall not be granted for products or services that conflict with institutional values of the University or with values and theological tenets upon which it is founded.
  • All sales activities must comply with state sales tax rules and regulations. Individuals or organizations must check with the University Controller prior to activity.