Restorative Discipline Plans/Corrective Measures

Corrective measures in the Restorative Discipline process will be guided by whether they are respectful, restorative, reasonable, and as much as possible, intended to reintegrate those who were harmed by the violation. The following listing of possible corrective measures outline the range of official University action that may be taken as a result of any disciplinary situation. After consideration of the specific details surrounding the incident or situation through the process outlined above, the Restorative Discipline Plan or Corrective Measures developed may involve any combination of these following options.


Official notification that certain conduct or actions are in violation of university standards and that continuation of such conduct or actions may result in additional disciplinary action.

Educational Consequences

Preparation and presentation of a program, preparation of a bulletin board, assigned reading and response or reflective papers, attending an Alcohol Education Program, counseling, and/or other educational activities.

Behavioral Contracts

A written document between the university and AO that specifies expected behaviors and positive/negative consequences.

Accountability Meetings

Required meetings with a pre-determined and pre-approved individual that encourages open dialogue, relationship building and accountability.

Community Service

Contribution of service to the University or a designated community agency consistent with the offense committed.


Reimbursement by transfer of property or services to those harmed— including the University itself—in an amount not to exceed the value of the damages or loss caused.


Financial assessment associated with required educational consequences.


Financial assessment not to exceed $350.

Registration Holds/Dis-Enrollment

Should a student fail to complete their corrective measures or restorative discipline plan, an academic hold will be placed on their account until such time that it is completed. This hold will not allow the processing of class changes with the registrar’s office and may lead to students being dis-enrolled from classes. In this case, the student's graduation date may be delayed, may come at an increased financial cost, or the student may not be able to graduate from Fresno Pacific University. 

Disciplinary Probation

A specified period of observation and review of behavior during which the student must demonstrate compliance with University regulations and the terms of their restorative plan.  Violations of FPU’s values and behavioral standards or missed deadlines for corrective measures or restorative discipline plans while on disciplinary probation will increase the “level of misconduct” of new or repeated violations and may subject the student to further discipline, including possible suspension or expulsion from the University.  In this case, the student's graduation date may be delayed, may come at an increased financial cost, or the student may not be able to graduate from Fresno Pacific University. Students who are on disciplinary probation may not be eligible to apply for leadership positions at the university. 

Loss of Privileges

Limitation on University-related activities for a specified period of time, consistent with the offense committed, including but not limited to:

  1. Removal, suspension or ineligibility to serve as a student leader, officer or member of any University organization, to participate in intercollegiate competition, or to remove or receive scholarship, aid or award from the University.
  2. Removal, relocation or suspension from University Housing.
  3. Restriction from some or all University facilities, programs and services.
  4. Reassignment, suspension, loss of employment (separation) or loss of staff privileges.

Parental Notification

Students may be required to notify their parents/guardians of behavioral issues, disciplinary findings, and/or the nature of behavior contracts.

Deferred Suspension

In certain situations, a suspension may be delayed to allow a student to finish an academic semester and then serve out their suspension.  During this period of time there will be a zero tolerance policy in place.  Further violations of FPU’s values and behavioral standards or missed deadlines for restorative plans while on a deferred suspension will result in an immediate suspension or expulsion from the university.


Exclusion from the University for a specific period of time after which, application may be required for readmission. When formal withdrawal from the University is necessary, instructions and/or conditions required for consideration of readmission will be outlined (readmission will not be guaranteed). Suspension will result in the forfeiture of all tuition, room, and board charges paid during the semester subject to the withdrawal scale stated in the catalog, student handbook, and housing contracts.

Interim Suspension

In exceptional circumstances, the Judicial Officer, in consultation with the Vice President of Student Development, may suspend a student or take other disciplinary action pending the completion of a restorative discipline process, especially in matters related to the safety or well-being of the community.


Permanent exclusion from the University.

Special Note 1

Should a student fail to complete a corrective measure/requirement/sanction/ of their Restorative Plan, a registration hold may be placed on their account until such time that the plan is completed. This hold will not allow registration for classes, the processing of class changes with the registrar’s office and may lead to the student being immediately disenrolled from classes and suspension from Fresno Pacific University. In addition, students who have not completed their Restorative Discipline plan within the designated semester may be disenrolled for the subsequent semester.

Special Note 2

Violations of national, state, or local laws may make a student subject not only to university disciplinary action but also to action by the appropriate court of law.