Campus Emergency Procedures

Major Emergencies

In case of a major emergency (i.e. death, suicide, rape, fire, bomb threat, accident involving faculty, student or staff, etc.) call 453-2298 (Campus Safety) and contact a residence director or Student Life (453-2073). If the situation places you in danger, find safety, then make the above calls.

If you are unsure as to how to proceed in an emergency situation, follow these guidelines: If the situation demands medical or crisis intervention immediately (5 minutes or less) call 911 first, notify Campus Safety that 911 has been called and if it is a residential student then notify the RD on-call (Call Campus Safety dispatch at x2298 for the RD on call schedule).

If it would not cause additional harm or damage to an individual, or the facilities to wait 10 minutes to receive medical or crisis intervention call Campus Safety at x2298 or for residential students call the Residence Director on-call first (Call Campus Safety dispatch at x2298 for the RD on-call schedule).

Medical Emergencies

For life-threatening emergencies call 911. For all other cases, call the Health Services Office at 453-2097 during office hours (M-F 8:00am to 5:00pm). After hours call Campus Safety at 453-2298.


Notify the Campus Safety first, then the residence assistant or residence director and
observe the following procedures:

  • Leave room immediately at the sound of the alarm. Be sure doors and windows are closed.
  • Move away from the building. (Emergency evacuation maps are in each module and office.)
  • When the fire alarm is heard, all residents are required to exit to the center of the quad. The residence life staff will ensure that all are accounted for.
  • Residents may return to their rooms only after the building has been cleared by the fire department/Campus Safety.


During an Earthquake:

  • Do not rush outdoors, since most injuries occur from falling glass, plaster, loose balconies, debris and electrical lines as people are leaving buildings. Stay put.
  • Sit or stand against an inside wall or doorway or take cover under a desk, table or bench (in case a wall or ceiling collapses or loose objects fall). Stay away from all glass surfaces (windows, mirrors, etc.)
  • Do not attempt to restrain falling objects unless your life is endangered by them.
  • If you are outdoors, remain there. Do not stand under overhangs on the outside of buildings. Move away from power lines and stay in open areas, away from all structures.