Community Justice Conference (CJC)

The CJC is a cooperative process, patterned after Matthew 18, but formally approached. A CJC includes those who were impacted by the violation, the alleged offender(s) and his or her support person(s), a representative from Student Life, others deemed helpful, and a facilitator. The participants of a CJC are assembled to listen to the experiences of those who were harmed and those who violated the standards of the community. The purpose is to:

  1. Recognize injustices.
  2. Seek ways to repair the harm as much as possible.
  3. Address the causes or conditions that contributed to the current violation.
  4. Create an agreed upon plan for the future that would prevent repeated violation.
  5. Establish a follow-up plan.

All participants must be provided an orientation to the CJC process and given an opportunity to decide if they want to participate voluntarily. All agreements require the approval of all of the parties present. If these agreements are kept, the group celebrates and the offense is noted as having been resolved and the Restorative Discipline process is completed.

The Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies (CPACS) generally provides the facilitators for the CJC process. The CJC facilitators may be graduate students, graduates, or CPACS staff members depending on the nature of the offense and parties involved.