Appeal to the Vice President of Division of Student Development

Students who have been found to be in violation of university standards have the opportunity to appeal the finding under the following circumstances:

  1. New unexamined evidence or considerations are presented.
  2. The student believes that there was undue bias present in their earlier hearing/review.
  3. The student believes that the outcome of the hearing/review was too severe in relationship to the violation.

Appeals to hearings/reviews must be submitted to the Vice President of Division of Student Development within 72 of the hearing/review. Appeals are to be in writing and are to note which of the circumstances listed above the student wishes to have considered. Appeals will be addressed by the Vice President of Division of Student Development and/or designee. The Vice President of Division of Student Development may call an Appeal Board to review the appeal. Said board would be comprised of faculty, staff, and when appropriate, students. There are no further appeals.