Academic Policies

Academic Integrity

(See the the FPU Graduate Academic Catalog for complete details)

Everyone who participates in the educational process at FPU is expected to pursue honesty and integrity in all aspects of their academic work. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense because it violates the standards of the Christian educational community, jeopardizes the growth and learning of the individual, and is unfair to those who do their work with integrity. FPU defines academic dishonesty as:

  • Cheating - using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids.
  • Plagiarism - representing the writings, words, or ideas of another as one's own, or copying material from a resource without proper acknowledgment.
  • Sabotage - willfully damaging or impeding the academic work of another person.
  • Fabrication/falsification - altering or inventing any information or study aids. This includes falsification of academic records, forgery, and modification of computer records without permission.
  • Aiding and abetting- helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Cases of academic dishonesty are first handled between instructors and students. Depending upon the severity of the case, consequences may range from partial credit after work is redone to expulsion from the university. As in all situations where a member of the college violates the behavioral and academic expectations of the community, opportunity for restoration and restitution will be extended to those willing to work to correct the situation and reconcile with the college community.

Academic Progress Statement

Fresno Pacific University is required by federal law to establish specific standards for measuring Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving financial aid.

As part of the university standards for continued enrollment (see FPU Graduate Academic Catalog), a student must meet the requirements of the SAP policy to be eligible to receive federal, state and need-based institutional financial aid assistance and to register for classes. Scholarships and other awards may require students to meet higher standards. Veterans Affairs students have additional requirements. (Please refer to the current Graduate Academic Catalog for more complete information.)

Academic Probation

Please see current issue of the Fresno Pacific University Graduate Academic Catalog.

Adminstrative Withdraw Policy

Please see current issue of the Fresno Pacific University Graduate Academic Catalog.


Satisfactory achievement may need to be shown at another institution prior to applying for readmission. Students who leave while on probation or due to disqualification will be readmitted on probation so that adequate counseling may be provided.

Privacy Rights/Ferpa

Student records are protected under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. The university Graduate Academic Catalog describes directory information which is provided to the public unless the student places a restriction on such release. The complete policy is available in the Registrar's Office or on the FPU website.

Problems With An Instructor

Occasionally a student may find cause to question the action of a professor regarding requirements of a course, teaching effectiveness, comments made in a class that seem derogatory or inflammatory, criticism of the student, general performance, or sanctions given for academic dishonesty. Students should first discuss their concerns with the instructor. If the student and faculty member cannot resolve the issue satisfactorily or if the student does not feel comfortable speaking directly with the instructor, the student should consult with the Program Director in which the course is lodged, who will attempt to resolve the issue.

In cases where the student’s instructor is the Program Director, the student may direct their concerns to the Dean in which the course is located.

Questions regarding a grade received, please refer to the "grade change" policy in the academic policies section of the Graduate Academic Catalog.