Reporting Prohibited Conduct to the University; Amnesty for Student Complainants and Witnesses

Fresno Pacific University is committed to enforcing this Policy. The effectiveness of the University’s efforts depends in part on employees and students telling the University about inappropriate conduct. Employees and students should not assume that Fresno Pacific University has knowledge of any form of illegal discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. If employees or students do not report harassing or discriminatory conduct, Fresno Pacific University may not become aware of a possible violation of this Policy and may not be able to take appropriate corrective action. Any Responsible Employee who believes that this Policy has been violated is mandated to report those concerns, and for concerns related to Sex-Based Misconduct Responsible Employees must report those concerns to the Title IX Coordinator directly.

Any person can report Prohibited Conduct at any time (including during non-business hours), either verbally or in writing, in person, by mail, by telephone, email, or by any other means as follows:

  1. Report to the Title IX Coordinator. As of the effective date of this policy, the University’s Title IX Coordinator’s contact information is as follows:
    1. Name: Ms. Pam Schock, M.A., Assistant Dean of Student Development
    2. Phone: 559-453-7115
    3. Email:
    4. Office: Steinert Campus Center Room 135, Fresno Main Campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Avenue, Fresno, CA 93702
  2. The Fresno Pacific University website will be kept updated with any changes to the Title IX Coordinator’s name and contact information.
  3. Report to a Responsible Employee. They can report verbally, via phone or via email to any Responsible Employee, the University’s Title IX Coordinator, Department of Student Development, Office of Human Resources or to another appropriate office, such as to the Dean of any of the University’s colleges, the Office of the Provost or Office of the President. Any person or office that receives a report (except for Confidential Resources) must forward it to either the Title IX Coordinator, the highest-level administrator in the Department of Student Development, or the highest-level administrator in the Office of Human Resources for review. If the person to whom a report normally would be made to is the Respondent, reports may be made to another Responsible Employee or office.
  4. Online Through the University Website. They can report by submitting the online form, either with their name or anonymously. The online form is located on Fresno Pacific University’s website here. Forms submitted online will be delivered to the Responsible Administrators identified under this Policy.

Following receipt of a report, the Title IX Coordinator, highest level administrator in the Department of Student Development, and highest-level administrator in the Office of Human Resources shall determine who the appropriate Responsible Administrator is. The Responsible Administrator may select a qualified designee to oversee processing of the matter under this Policy, at the Responsible Administrator’s discretion. In the event the Responsible Administrator is unavailable, is a respondent or has a conflict of interest, the President shall determine who shall serve as the Responsible Administrator.

While there is no time limit for submitting reports of Prohibited Conduct, such reports should be brought forward as soon as possible. Prompt reporting will better enable FPU to respond, investigate, provide an appropriate remedy, and impose Preventative and Corrective Measures, if appropriate. All incidents should be reported even if significant time has elapsed.

FPU prefers the Complaint be made in writing and specifically identify the person(s) involved, names of witnesses and what occurred. However, if a Complaint is not filed in writing but FPU receives notice of any allegation(s) that is subject to this Policy, FPU shall take steps to address the allegation(s) in a manner appropriate to the circumstances.

The University will keep reports of Prohibited Conduct as confidential as possible, but may be required to disclose information to comply with law or the University’s policies and procedures, including (but not limited to) for the purposes of investigating and/or resolving the complaint.

The University encourages reporting of Prohibited Conduct. It is in the best interest of the FPU community that individuals come forward to make reports of Prohibited Conduct, regardless of whether they have engaged in conduct in violation of university policy, such as using drugs or alcohol at or near the time of the incident. To encourage reporting in these types of situations, the University will not subject a Complainant or witness of Prohibited Conduct who is a student or a student-employee to Preventative and Corrective Measures for a violation of the University’s behavior standards or other University policy (i.e., will grant the student amnesty) unless the University determines that the violation was egregious. Egregious violations include acts that:

  1. Place the health or safety of themselves or others at risk; or
  2. Involves plagiarism, cheating or academic dishonesty.

Student-employees may still be subject to Preventative and Corrective Measures as employees of FPU for acts which put Fresno Pacific University at significant risk of litigation or damage to reputation. The University reserves the right to require individuals who are granted amnesty under this section to participate in assessments, training, counseling, or educational programs, including (but limited to) topics such as health, safety, professionalism, or harassment/discrimination prevention.

The University will not pursue action against a person for a code of conduct violation that does not involve sex discrimination or sexual harassment, but arises out of the same facts or circumstances as a report or complaint of sex discrimination, or a report or Formal Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint, for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX or its implementing regulations.