Post-Grievance Process Restorative Justice Process

Fresno Pacific University remains committed to supporting and encouraging the use of restorative justice within its community in order to recognize harm, restore relationships and to identify future intentions. To this end, following the completion of a grievance process under this Policy, either Party may request that the Responsible Administrator refer them to resources for facilitated restorative justice. Following a referral to a facilitated restorative justice program, it shall be the parties’ responsibility to coordinate with such program directly.

In some cases, in order to facilitate the restorative process, the facilitator may need information regarding the grievance process. In that case, the facilitator shall submit a request for disclosure of information to the appropriate Responsible Administrator. The request shall be in writing signed by the facilitator. The decision whether to release such information is at the University’s sole discretion and shall conform to applicable law and policy. If a release of information is appropriate, the Responsible Administrator shall request the parties execute appropriate documentation prior to initiating the release.